Beatričė Sola

Beatričė Sola

Beatričė Sola is a copywriter with a strong background in communication and marketing. She has ventured from the public sector to private, honing in on all experiences and always coming back to writing, her forte. Ever since she joined Healthnews, Beatričė has been excited to research and create read-worthy articles on health and wellness, hopefully helping others as she goes. 


– Bachelor’s degree in Public Communication, Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania
– Master’s degree in Social and Political Critique, Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania
– Course of Introduction to Psychology at Yale University
– LivingWorks safeTALK training on suicide prevention

Expertise and professional focus:

Beatričė has been in the field of copywriting and marketing for more than a decade now. She first started copywriting in 2012 while working on Lithuanian health-centered magazines: “Lithuanian General Practitioner” and “Lithuanian Obstetrics and Gynecology.” Hard work and curiosity paved the way for a career turn towards the Suicide and Violence Prevention Commission of the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania, where Beatričė worked with suicide prevention programs and projects. Now she enjoys a broader thematics of health and wellness here at Healthnews. 

Career achievements:

While working in the Lithuanian Parliament, Beatričė was part of the team that tackled the cannabis-based medication legislature in Lithuania, and the meticulous work on such a polarizing topic came to fruition. She credits this to be her biggest career achievement so far. 

Approach to health:

Beatričė believes that any health-related topic should be approached with reverence and inclusivity, listening if all aspects of mental and physical health are considered before stating a fact. Being able to tackle new topics or broaden knowledge in niches of familiarity, is what makes her happy to be working in Healthnews. 

What Beatričė thinks about current health issues:

Beatričė believes that one of the most pressing public health issues is self-medication. With the rise of AI and an economic climate not in favor of medical bills, people more than ever rely on the internet for their health. And though telemedicine seems like a great outcome, people are now shying away from traditional ways of medicine into a complex and hard-to-regulate AI consultation field, keeping diagnosing up for an interpretation fault.

Written by Beatričė