Agility Training: What It Is, Health Benefits, and More

You may be familiar with the word ‘agility’ as something highly desirable for pro athletes in sports like football and baseball. But what is agility training, and how could it benefit you? Beyond being able to turn swiftly during sports, agility exercises have far-reaching positive implications for daily life, fitness levels, and overall well-being. This article explores the benefits of agility training and the best ways of incorporating it into your workouts.

On the track today:


Shifting perspective: how agility training affects more than just your reaction speed

Getting started: an essential guide to getting started with agility exercises for health

Easy integration: incorporating agility workouts into a fitness routine

Beginners mind: simple agility exercises to get the ball rolling

The power of agility training

Agility training focuses on your ability to control and efficiently maneuver your body in fast-changing circumstances. Effective agility demands the use of balance, speed, power, and coordination — all working together in synchronicity to enable swift and dynamic changes in body position. Incorporating agility workouts into your regime is an excellent way of building the strength and speed that will benefit your fitness practice and everyday situations alike.

From a sports perspective, think about a goalie in a football match, who has to react with lightning speed and position their body in the correct part of the net to stop a goal from being scored. This demands an exceptionally high level of agility. Likewise, agility proves invaluable in daily scenarios, from catching a falling glass to effortlessly navigating obstacles while jogging.


The health benefits beyond quick movements

Agility training benefits aren’t just for pro athletes — there is a diverse range of health advantages associated with regular agility training that positively affect how you move day-to-day.

Injury prevention

Injuries tend to occur when we make movements that are out of alignment while the body is in motion. The ligaments in our knees are prone to tearing from missteps, and back injuries happen when we lift and twist out of alignment. Agility training benefits our balance, coordination, and flexibility, meaning you can quickly maneuver yourself out of risky situations while protecting vulnerable areas of the body like knees, shoulders, and the lower back.

A 360° workout

A significant portion of our regular movement is often centered around forward-facing motions. Health-oriented agility exercises engage your body in a 360° range, emphasizing lateral, backward, and diagonal movements for quick directional changes. This approach evenly distributes stress through the musculoskeletal system, helping build smaller muscles that might not receive as much attention during activities like treadmill running.

Improved balance and coordination

Incorporating agility workouts into your schedule can help train your body to remain nimble and balanced during dynamic movement. Regular practice involves stop-start exercises, hand-eye coordination, and speed training, which helps your whole body move in a more fluid, flexible, and controlled way.

Essential agility exercises: know before you start

Whether you are a beginner or already familiar with agility training, here is a curated list of agility exercises suitable for various fitness levels.


Jump turns

Start with your legs spread slightly wider than hip-distance apart, with your feet facing forward. Squat down with a straight back and touch your hands to the floor. Spring upward and as you jump, make a quarter turn to the right, landing gently and with control. Make 8 reps to the right and 8 reps to the left.

jump turns exercise

The square

Arrange four cones in a square, spread 5–10 meters apart, and label them A, B, C, and D. Set a timer for 90 seconds and run from cone to cone, alternating between running forward and backward. Make sure you move across the space diagonally rather than just running in a square shape. Take a 1-minute rest and repeat the exercise.

the square exercise

Zig zag racing

Place 10 cones in a straight line about a meter apart and run between them as fast as you can without knocking any over. Once you get to the end, run backward through them. Repeat this exercise for 90 seconds, for as many reps as you can. Rest for 1 minute and repeat.

zig zag exercise

Side shuffle


Place two cones about 3 meters apart. Stand at the left cone, with your feet hip-width apart. Squat slightly, hinging your torso forward and engaging your core muscles. Using small controlled movements, shuffle to the right using short swift steps. Once you reach the right cone, repeat the movements to the left. Aim for as many reps as you can do in 90 seconds while remaining completely controlled and balanced.

Side shuffle exercise

Balloon drills

Inflate two balloons. Launch them both in the air and move around the room making sure they both remain in the air. Focus on keeping your body in alignment as you turn and reach to keep the balloons elevated. As you progress, hit the balloons further away from each other.

Ballon drills exercise

How to incorporate agility workouts into your routine

Incorporating agility workouts into your exercise routine is relatively simple. You don’t need a complete overhaul of your fitness schedule; you can seamlessly add agility training to your existing workout regimen.

  1. Warm-up drills. You can easily add agility drills to your warm-up routine, before your usual fitness practice.
  2. Switch it up. Pick different agility exercises each week and begin each workout session with 10 minutes of agility training. Keep it fresh and exciting for your body and mind.
  3. Agility intervals. If you run in the park, trails, or treadmills, why not break up your distance and add in some extra agility exercises for health? Stop running and practice agility drills for 10 minutes before continuing your regular exercise.
  4. Join a HIIT class. Switch up your regular gym routine and join a HIIT class twice a week. High-intensity interval training uses a lot of agility techniques during the session, plus it’s great for calorie burning, shaping, and toning.
  5. Warm-down drills. Before you stretch out after a vigorous fitness session, practice a few agility drills for around 10 minutes.

Agility training for beginners

If you are a beginner who is interested in understanding and starting agility training, then this guide will provide you with a new and creative way to stay fit. There are a few key things to remember before launching yourself into agility workouts:

  • Make sure you have the correct clothing and footwear that fits well, doesn’t rub, and gives you the support you need.
  • Start slowly and focus on alignment and control rather than speed or explosive strength.
  • Commit to 10 minutes a day at first, and increase the time and intensity as you build your skills.

Some agility training can look quite intimidating if you’ve never tried it before. However, there are plenty of simple exercises you can try out to get you started.

1. Hopscotch

Revive this childhood game to get yourself used to moving in more dynamic ways with hopping and jumping movements. You can draw the hopscotch grid in your yard with chalk, or on the street. Make it twice as long and aim to go up and down the grid 10 times.

Challenge yourself…
Once you’ve mastered the hopscotch grid and can confidently go up and down 10 times, alternate between going forward and backward.

2. One legged balance

Start near a wall in case you need support. Shift your weight onto the right leg and raise your left knee toward your chest. Gently bend your right knee while simultaneously lifting your arms straight over your head. Repeat this action for 10 reps on each leg.

Challenge yourself…
Once you are confident, balanced, and controlled doing this while stationary, try incorporating a forward hop between each rep.

3. Box jumps

Box jumps will help you build explosive power, and you can start low down to begin with. Grab an exercise step or box, making sure it’s fairly low. Stand in front of it, take a medium squat, and jump onto it. Then, jump back down, emphasizing control during both takeoff and landing.

Challenge yourself…
Once you can do 15 box jumps with ease and control, put yourself to the test and move up to a slightly bigger box.

The final words on agility training

Training ourselves to be nimble and agile should be high on our priority list. Agility workouts are perfect for enhancing overall fitness and flexibility, with numerous ways to incorporate agility workouts into your schedule. The curated list of agility exercises, from jump turns to balloon drills, offers a versatile range for various fitness levels, helping you maximize your balance, speed, power, coordination, and overall well-being.


Key takeaways:


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