Infoceuticals (ICs) are innovative technologies improving wellness through energy fields. Many scientific theories supporting ICs are well accepted, while scientists are still working to understand and prove others. In the meantime, the emerging technology is exciting, offering hopeful new ways to interact with the body and address various health problems.
Infoceuticals are a new technology using electromagnetic fields — energy frequencies emitted from substances, devices, and soundwaves.
Currently, there are three types of infoceuticals: digital drugs, pulsed electromagnetic field devices (PEMFs), and binaural beats.
Each offers promising and safe health benefits with few to no side effects.
Infoceuticals are founded on bioenergetics and physics, but scientists are still learning how and why they improve wellness.
The science behind infoceuticals
To understand infoceuticals, let’s review a few scientific basics.
Every substance emits its own energy waves — radiation emitted along the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum.
This spectrum consists of EM fields with a limitless range of frequencies. Each frequency has a unique wavelength, including ones smaller than the width of an atom to frequencies wider than hundreds of miles.
Energy moves through matter and space by these electromagnetic waves, like the sun’s light and your body’s heat. Other uses of well-known EM waves include an x-ray of a broken leg or the radiation your microwave emits to cook your food.
Unknown to most people, developers capture, record, and store the individual EM frequencies of substances and sounds to use electronically through three different types of devices — called infoceuticals — that may affect the electromagnetism of your cells.
Three infoceutical devices
Like a type of digital biology, scientists have created three ways to use the frequencies stored in infoceuticals (ICs) to biohack health and wellness:
- Digital imprinting devices. These devices store the electromagnetic frequency of a substance, like coffee or medication, in structured water to create a digital drug, to speak, for you to consume by drinking the water.
- Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) devices. Full body mats and smaller pads are on the market that emit frequencies through your skin, penetrating deeply throughout your body.
- Binaural beats. These are downloadable audible files with specific soundwaves you can listen to through headphones to affect your mental state.
At first glance, these concepts are tough to grasp, but you’ll begin to understand and be fascinated by these compelling new technologies as you read on.
1. Digital drugs
Scientists and infoceutical developers have cataloged a massive database of the frequencies of all kinds of substances. Herbs, pharmaceuticals, extracts, and other supplements are the most popular.
Using the stored electrical information of each substance, developers can radiate the frequencies of the substances through structured water and, as research suggests, imprint the electromagnetic wavelengths onto the water, like a memory.
Of the three different ways to use ICs, these digital supplements are most commonly referred to as simply infoceuticals.
How digital drugs work
Structured water — also known as coherent water — will match this imprint for a certain amount of time, possibly up to months, because it's more stable than other molecular water structures.
When you consume the imprinted water, the stored frequency of the substance may affect your cells, like ingesting the substance itself. Evidence exists that these “digital drugs” mimic the effect of the physical substance, resulting in similar benefits but less potent.
So far, scientists and health practitioners report very little, if any, adverse side effects. This is likely due to how infoceuticals affect the body.
How digital drugs affect the body
Imprinted water does not directly change your chemistry, unlike pharmaceutical drugs, which command your body to react a certain way. Instead, scientists believe this digital water acts as a suggestion to your body by the energy of the imprinted substance as it travels through your tissues.
Your cells then decide to receive or reject the signal of the electromagnetic waves. Like peptide supplements, they don't tell your body what to do, but they may encourage it to respond. This gentler approach results in fewer side effects.
Imprinting is also like homeopathy in that a substance’s frequencies are very diluted in the structured water, which may also be the reason for fewer side effects. Due to this similarity to homeopathy, some scientists call infoceutical technology “infopathy.”
While research and technology have validated much of this bioenergetics science for decades, scientists still hotly debate the coherent water theory. Despite growing research on this more stable form of water, researchers must continue studying, debating, and experimenting with water and the EM spectrum to prove how digital drugs work.
In the meantime, you can purchase the imprinted infoceuticals themselves or a device to create these digital drugs at home.
2. Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) devices
Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) devices are a second type of infoceuticals. Currently, they’re more widely accepted and commercially developed.
Research shows they are effective and safe with no side effects, especially for musculoskeletal pain.
How PEMF devices work
Developers sell most PEMF devices as small pads and full-body mats plugged into a device that emits EM pulses.
Different from a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) unit, PEMFs emit low-frequency and low-intensity electromagnetic energy wherever you apply them.
Researchers and developers say they are best for tissue pain and healing by possibly reducing inflammation and improving cellular function and circulation.
As a result, data suggests some benefits of PEMFs include:
- Faster healing for bone fractures
- Muscle relaxation after a tough workout
- Reduced osteoarthritic pain and stiffness
- Decreased acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain for lower back and pelvic pain
- Impressive symptom management after cancer treatments
- Increased energy for multiple sclerosis patients
- Enhanced sleep and mood
Various products offer different ranges of EM energy frequencies. For home use, most devices range between 1 and 99 Hz, which is considered low intensity. More professional-grade devices may emit higher frequencies, considered medium intensity.
Currently, some developers sell smaller PEMF devices offering imprinting technology and binaural beats all in one. When purchasing a PEMF device, first research the options and the science. Keep in mind different frequencies will interact with the body differently.
3. Audible infoceuticals
Binaural beats are sounds with two different frequencies playing at the same time.
When you listen through headphones, one tone with a specific frequency plays into one ear. At the same time, a tone with a different frequency plays into the other ear.
Your brain processes both frequencies at the same time, which may affect your mental state, much like meditation, but more quickly.
How binaural beats work
Your brain emits five different energy waves, each with its own unique frequency. Beta waves have the shortest wavelengths, with alpha, delta, and theta following in wider stretches. Gamma waves are the widest at about 30 Hz and higher.
Using binaural beats, you may be able to move the brain from one state to another by listening to specific frequencies that affect the state of your brain — the same power of deep meditation.
Developers calibrate binaural sound waves to help you slip into your desired state, like delta or theta waves for sleep or alpha for relaxation. Research shows that meditation can improve anxiety, lengthen attention span, improve cognition and memory, and help you sleep. According to preliminary studies, binaural beats may have similar benefits.
Advocates of audible infoceuticals — soundwave digital drugs — say they may offer these benefits:
- Increased creativity
- Improved mood
- Sharpened concentration, focus, and memory
- Enhanced energy
- Reduced anxiety before surgery
- Deeper sleep and relaxation
Decreased pain
Experimenting with binaural beats to see if they work for you is easy. You need a headset or earbuds and a device — like your smartphone or mp3 player — to play the audio tones. To find the beats, search online for downloadable files or YouTube videos.
As with all wellness therapies, binaural beats work better for some than others. If they work well for you, consider purchasing a membership to an infoceutical company’s library of audio files.
Experimenting and biohacking with infoceuticals
Every emerging technology and biohack requires careful research on your own. If you want to experiment with infoceuticals, consider following these steps.
- Research. Thoroughly research and review online information, commercial products, and related publications about infoceuticals.
- Consider your needs. Decide why you need the infoceutical and pick a device accordingly.
- Seek medical advice. Discuss the device with an open-minded and skilled practitioner.
- Use and review. Use the technology and review the results with your practitioner.
When you experiment this way, you join the fascinating world of adventurous biohackers, early adopters, and captivating dinner guests.
5 resources
- Journal of Pain Research. Electromagnetic Field Therapy: A Rehabilitative Perspective in the Management of Musculoskeletal Pain – A Systematic Review.
- Cancer Medicine. Mechanisms and therapeutic effectiveness of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy in oncology.
- Anaesthetists. A prospective, randomized, controlled study examining binaural beat audio and pre-operative anxiety in patients undergoing general anesthesia for day case surgery.
- Scientific Reports. 40-Hz Binaural beats enhance training to mitigate the attentional blink.
- Water. Water, The Cradle of Life via its Coherent Quantum Frequencies.
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