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How to Stimulate the Vagus Nerve: Effective Techniques

The vagus nerve plays an important role in communicating signals throughout the body. These signals keep our body's systems balanced and in optimum health. Stimulating the vagus nerve may help regulate stress, improve sleep quality, and aid digestion. Simple daily activities may be able to improve the function of the vagus nerve.

What is the vagus nerve?

The vagus nerve is crucial to our understanding of the brain-body connection. It is an essential element of the autonomic nervous system, which regulates homeostasis. It is the longest cranial nerve in the body and spans from the brainstem down to the abdomen. The nerve acts as a direct path of communication between the brain and almost every major organ.

vagus nerve

The vagus nerve is a fundamental part of the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for stress regulation. In terms of our health, this can have a vital impact on the digestive system, immune system, heart rate, blood pressure, and lung function.

Techniques, such as massage, deep breathing, and vocal exercises can be used to stimulate the vagus nerve. Additionally, specific devices have been developed to support vagal nerve health and may assist in improving certain health concerns.

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How do you stimulate the vagus nerve?

There are several methods to activate the vagus nerve and possibly experience its stress-reducing benefits. Think of the practices described below as a 'toolbox' to draw upon depending on what suits your mood or environment.

how to stimulate the vagus nerve

Some people may experience results after just one practice; however, consistency is key for lasting improvements in our physical and mental well-being. Aim to add at least one of these practices to your daily routine.


Gently massaging the neck may be an effective way to activate the vagus cranial nerve and promote tranquility. Light pressure is key to inducing relaxation rather than working deeply and harshly into the muscles.

  1. Use both hands to apply light pressure at the top of the back of your neck with your fingertips.
  2. Slowly move your fingertips in a circular motion as you apply gentle pressure. Ensure that you are breathing deeply, allowing the abdomen to rise and fall as you do so.
  3. Take your time repeating this circular motion as you move your hands down the sides of the neck and towards the collarbone.
  4. Repeat several times until you feel relaxed.

Breathing exercises

Deep breathing can reduce stress, decrease heart rate, and improve vagal function. In contrast, shallow chest breaths can be associated with increased anxiety. The Box Breathing Exercise can help access deep breathing. Please note that if you are pregnant, it is not advised to hold your breath for prolonged periods.

  1. Seated comfortably, slowly inhale to the count of four, then hold your breath for four counts.
  2. Exhale to the count of four, then hold your breath out for another four counts.
  3. Repeat for 2–5 minutes. You might find it helpful to visualize drawing a box shape with your breath: a line going up as you inhale, to the right as you hold, down as you exhale, and to the left to complete the box during the next hold.


Meditation is a practice that can be used to relax the mind and body which, in turn, may improve both mental and physical well-being. A body scan meditation can help slow down racing thoughts and increase your awareness of physical sensations.

  1. Lying down or seated, close your eyes and take a deep breath.
  2. Starting from the top of your head, scan around your body noticing any areas that hold tension or tightness.
  3. As you breathe, visualize you are sending oxygen and light directly to these areas until you feel the tension soften. Continue for 5–10 minutes.

Cold exposure

Cold exposure activates the vagus nerve through cardiovascular reactivity and has become extremely popular in recent years. Why not experiment with some of the many ways to bring cold water therapy into your routine?

  • Cold showers: Refresh yourself with a few seconds of cold water at the end of your shower.
  • Wild swimming: Take a dip in the sea or nearby lake. You may be able to find a local group to make wild swimming a social event.
  • Cold plunge: This can include ice baths or jumping into cool water.
  • Splash your face and neck with ice or cold water throughout the day to refresh yourself.


Singing can be a fun and creative way to regulate breathing and activate the vagus nerve through soothing sounds and the vibration of the vocal cords. However, you don’t need to be a singer to experience the benefits — humming or simply listening to music can also induce a sense of calm.


While it may seem counterintuitive, increasing the heart rate through endurance training can actually improve vagal tone through the nerves due to the brain-heart connection mediated by the vagus nerve. When the heart rate is increased, the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems work together to regulate it within safe parameters. Exercise such as endurance and interval training are also known to reduce the risk of heart disease, lower blood pressure, and improve overall health.

Devices to stimulate the vagus nerve

Other remedies include the use of technological vagus nerve stimulation devices. These can use electrical impulses against the skin but are considered non-invasive. They can be worn on the body and sometimes connected with an app on your phone. The downside is that these devices can be costly.

Benefits of stimulating the vagus nerve

Stimulating the vagus nerve shifts the body into the 'rest and digest' mode, which allows the body and mind to recover from stress. When stress is reduced, you may benefit from:

Safety and precautions

The stimulation methods mentioned above are not to be used in exchange for medical treatment. If you are experiencing any mental or physical health symptoms, please consult your doctor. If you are pregnant, taking any medication, or have been diagnosed with a health condition, seek the advice of a healthcare practitioner prior to attempting any of the exercises described in this article.

Which of the methods listed above have you tried, and how did they make you feel? Please share in the comments below.


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