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Pulsetto vs. Apollo: Which Wearable Calms Your Nervous System Best?

The fast-paced world we live in can have many effects on one’s mental health, physical health, and relationships. It is common to have feelings of anxiety and stress that can translate into a decline in your overall well-being.

Luckily, stress relief devices may be able to provide some relief. These devices are designed to promote relaxation, improve sleep, decrease anxiety-related symptoms, and improve wellness.

Two of the top devices delivering stress relief on the market are the Pulsetto and Apollo Neuro.

These companies are revolutionizing mental health support by introducing these non-invasive approaches to activating the parasympathetic nervous system. Therefore, we have provided this article as a head-to-head comparison of the devices.

Pulsetto vs. Apollo Neuro: Head-to-head comparison

BrandPriceWearable locationBiometric tracking
Recommended frequencySync with other apps
Pulsetto$269.00NeckNoDaily for as little as 4 minutesNo
Apollo Neuro$349.99Wrist, ankle, or clip-on to clothesYes3 hours/day, 5x/weekYes
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How and why we chose to compare these products

Stress relief wearables have been linked to helping reduce stress and improve peoples' overall well-being. While some products target stimulation of the vagus nerve, others use vibration frequencies to produce their results, which is what brought us to evaluate these two products.

The Apollo Neuro device is worn around the wrist similarly to a watch, while the Pulsetto has a horseshoe-like design and is worn around the neck. The drastically different locations and stimulation methods demand the question as to which is better.

Hence, we want to provide every reader with the necessary information to make an informed decision about which device is best for their situation.

What is Pulsetto?

Pulsetto is a non-invasive, transcutaneous cervical vagus nerve stimulation device that uses ultra-low radiofrequency energy to stimulate the vagus nerve. Once stimulated, the vagus nerve helps to lower the body’s heart rate, potentially supporting stress and anxiety-related symptoms.

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Pulsetto device supp

The Pulsetto device has two electrodes held together by a band, giving it the appearance of a horseshoe. These electrodes are designed to emit radiofrequency energy to potentially improve mental well-being.

Pulsetto usage and app features

The Pulsetto device is worn around the neck, with the two electrodes at the front and the band on the back. This position positions the device around the vagus nerve running near the neck's blood vessels.

Person using Pulsetto device at home while holding a cat

Electrode gel is used to help improve the conductance of the radiofrequency energy through the skin and into the vagus nerve.

The device is turned on by the small green button on the electrode and controlled using an app on a smartphone. The Pulsetto app provides five different settings (stress, anxiety, sleep, burnout, and pain management) to customize sessions. Music is integrated to provide a more robust experience.

Pulsetto effectiveness and safety

A study published on the Pulsetto website has shown this device to be effective in increasing parasympathetic activity via vagus nerve stimulation.

It is important to point out that the study was supported by the company, which could introduce bias to the results. Further clinical trials using Pulsetto should be conducted and published in scientific journals to substantiate these health claims.

Current studies on vagus nerve stimulation devices have shown some benefits in stress reduction, mood, and overall wellness.

However, these studies are small and evaluate the stimulation of the auricular branch of the vagus nerve, whereas the Pulsetto device targets the cervical branch. In addition, larger studies are needed to confirm the results and identify the best placement for transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation devices.

It is important to discuss with your physician before using one of these devices as they could negatively affect certain conditions.

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Pulsetto device

How much does Pulsetto cost and where to buy it?

The Pulsetto device can be purchased via the company’s website. A current promotional offer of $200 off the device allows you to purchase it for $269 with free shipping worldwide.

Each purchase comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee, providing a risk-free trial into the benefits of vagus nerve stimulation.

What users are saying about Pulsetto

Pulsetto websiteTrustpilot ratingAmazon rating
4.5 out of 5 stars 4.3 out of 5 stars 4.1 out of 5 stars

While experiences can vary, many users have enjoyed the relaxation and stress relief provided by the device. Its effects on sleep have been generally positive. Many people feel the product is easy to use and has a quick and easy setup.

However, some customers have experienced Bluetooth connectivity problems when pairing to the app, making the device unusable when not connected. People also do not like that the band is not adjustable, making it difficult for users with larger necks to use it comfortably.

What is Apollo Neuro?

The Apollo Neuro is a wearable device that sends soothing vibrations to help balance the nervous system. Stress and anxiety stimulate the nervous system's fight-or-flight (sympathetic) branch, leading to negative symptoms. This wearable combats the disturbance by restoring balance to the nervous system to induce a calming and relaxing effect on one’s mental health.

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Apollo Neuro on wrist near app

The product uses soundwaves to stimulate the body and can be worn around the wrist or ankle or clipped onto clothes. The small, sleek design allows this handheld device to pair well with any activity or outfit. No gel is necessary for this device to work, making it convenient to use at work, at home, or on the go.

Apollo Neuro usage and app features

The Apollo device is designed to be worn on the wrist or ankle or clipped onto clothes. It is controlled via a Bluetooth connection to your phone.

Person running in a forest while wearing an Apollo device
Image by Apollo Neuroscience, Inc

The manufacturer recommends wearing the device for a minimum of three hours a day, five days a week. To maximize the benefits, it is suggested that you remain consistent in wearing this product.

The Apollo Neuro app allows you to choose from three functions (Fall Asleep, Social, or Focus) and alter the intensity of each session. It also allows you to schedule stimulation times that will automatically start and stop as scheduled.

The handheld device can track biometrics such as heart rate variability, sleep scores, resting heart rate, and more. Additionally, for iOS users, the device can connect to Apple Health for extra functionality and overall monitoring.

Apollo Neuro effectiveness and safety

The Apollo website has many different clinical trials showing that this device may be effective in helping to improve heart rate variability, sleep quality, focus, and concentration. While these studies are promising, many of them are funded by or administered by the developers of the Apollo Neuro device, which can increase the risk of bias.

Further research on these devices is needed to verify their effects and long-term safety in humans.

Apollo Neuro delivers gentle vibration that has been demonstrated to have no significant negative reactions with routine use. However, we would not recommend applying the Apollo Neuro device to an area of injury, and it is best to talk with your doctor before using any new device or product.

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Apollo Neuro on wrist near app

How much does Apollo Neuro cost and where to buy it?

The Apollo handheld device is available for purchase on the manufacturer’s website with a current price of $349.99. This includes an Apollo wearable, a micro-USB charging cord, a clip, and a medium band.

Each purchase is backed by a 30-day money-back guarantee and a 1-year product warranty. Additionally, this product ships free within the U.S.

What users are saying about Apollo Neuro

Apollo Neuro websiteTrustpilot ratingAmazon rating
4.6 out of 5 stars ⭐ 3.8 out of 5 stars ⭐ 3.6 out of 5 stars ⭐

People have been impressed with the ability of this product to help them focus on relaxation and improve their quality of sleep, but note that experiences can vary.

Customers enjoy the ability of the device to sync with other health-related apps and provide a more robust assessment of their overall health.

On the other hand, some users have been disappointed with the battery life of the product and the Bluetooth connectivity problems when pairing it with the app. Customers have complained the product is a little pricey, and the size of the band should be able to be selected at the time of purchase.

Pulsetto and Apollo Neuro vs. other similar products

BrandPriceTechnologyKey FeaturesApp IntegrationCertificationsMoney-back guaranteeWarranty
Pulsetto$269 (with promotional code)tVNSNeck-wearable, 5 stimulation programsYesFCC30 days2 years
Apollo$349.99Transcutaneous vibratory stimulationWrist, ankle, or clip on wearable, customizable app, utilizes sound wavesYesNone30 days1 year
Nurosym$762.92tVNSScientific backing, donates 1% of sales to environmental groupsNoCE, FDA NSR Designation30 days2 years
Hoolest$399.95tVNSHand-held, 5 stimulation modesNoNone60 days1 year
Truvaga Plus$499tVNSHandheld device, simple use, unlimited sessionsYesTSA compliant for batteries and gel30 daysN/A
Neuvana$449tVNSScientific backing, simple use, combines with musicYesNone30 days1 year

Final verdict: Pulsetto or Apollo Neuro?

Overall, these are great products, but we feel the Apollo Neuro is a better option for those looking for an on-the-go stress relief device.

The Apollo product comes with an app that allows more options for customizing soothing vibration sessions, and it can be planned in advance. The only thing you need to remember is to wear the device. While connectivity and battery life may be a concern for some, this appears to be something both devices can struggle with.

The Pulsetto vagus nerve stimulation device places electrodes on the neck to be able to provide ultra-low radiofrequency energy to the vagus nerve. This device is also a great choice if you have time to integrate the sessions into your daily life. The size of this device may also be an issue for some users.

Before purchasing any vagus nerve stimulation devices, you must do your research and consult a doctor.

Check out additional articles for more information regarding vagus nerve stimulation devices and soothing vibration sessions.


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