The P-Shot: PRP Therapy to Boost Sex Life

You may have heard of the P-shot, or orgasm shot, that claims to boost a person's sex life by injecting platelet-rich plasma into their penis. People who have administered or received the P-shot claim that it has multiple sexual benefits, including a harder erection and increased intensity of orgasm, but does it actually work? Let’s explore it below.

Key takeaways:

What is the P-shot?


The P-shot, or the Priapus shot, is a non-surgical medical procedure involving injecting platelet-rich plasma (PRP) into a person's penis. People who administer this shot and those who have been treated with it claim that it helps to improve orgasms and sexual functioning — but as of yet, these claims haven't been backed up by scientists.

The P-shot uses platelet-rich therapy, which involves taking a blood sample from the patient and placing it into a centrifuge to separate other substances from the blood, leaving only the platelets and plasma. This platelet-rich plasma is then inserted into the penis, as it contains growth factors that can potentially initiate cell growth and encourage tissue regeneration and vascularization in the targeted region.

People who administer the shot claim that it has multiple sexual benefits, including:

  • Increased intensity of orgasm.
  • Increased the firmness of erections.
  • Increased penile sensations and sensitivity.
  • Increased the size of the penis.

However, it is important to remember that research has yet to back up these claims and that research into the P-shot is extremely limited.

How the P-shot is administered

In order to get the platelet-rich plasma, blood will need to be drawn from the patient's arm, similar to getting a blood test. The blood will then be put into a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma from the rest of the blood sample.

After that is complete, the penis will be numbed using a numbing cream or an injection to prevent the patient from feeling any pain during the procedure. Next, the platelet-rich plasma is injected into the patient's penis. Some people report feeling a slight pinprick during the procedure, but others report no pain. The whole process is reported to last around 30 minutes.


Is the P-shot effective?

There is no legitimate research that states that the P-shot is effective in treating sexual dysfunctions in people with penises. A 2019 literature review on the use of platelet-rich plasma to treat erectile dysfunction found that no research supports the effectiveness of this procedure. More research is needed to determine if the procedure effectively treats sexual dysfunctions.

If you’re considering getting the P-shot, Dr. Danielle Kelvas, MD, advises people to be cautious:

Despite many pharmaceutical companies placing large bets on future PRP therapy, it’s important to remember that no PRP therapies are currently FDA-approved, so be particularly wary of those offering fantastic claims or suggesting their use via injections.

Dr. Danielle Kelvas, MD

The limited and flawed research on the P-shot's effectiveness in treating sexual dysfunctions calls for caution when considering the procedure. As claims of its benefits are not supported by scientific evidence, it is important to consider this procedure carefully before using it as a method to treat sexual dysfunction. If you are experiencing low libido or the inability to orgasm, many different evidence-based treatments are effective.

Risks involved with the P-shot

Again, as there is no research into the use of the P-shot for people with sexual dysfunctions, the risks are unknown. Some clinics that offer the procedure state that adverse risks include:

  • Pain at the injection site
  • Bruising
  • Swelling of the penis
  • Infection

If you experience any adverse effects from the P-shot, please contact your healthcare professional.




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