How Mindfulness Gives Athletes a Mental Edge

Results of clinical psychology and neuroscience studies suggest that mindfulness may be an effective strategy to promote concentration, emotion regulation, and state of flow. Mindfulness has many positive health impacts that help improve athletic performance. This article discusses mindfulness's role in athletes wanting to improve their performance.

Key takeaways:

What is mindfulness?


Mindfulness is a practice to allow individuals to be fully present and aware of what they are doing without being overly reactive or overwhelmed by what is going on around them. Its roots come from Buddhist meditation, the practice that aims to increase awareness of the mind and concentration. Mindfulness-based techniques accept and observe present states without judging them. There are different types of mindfulness practice, including the following:

  • Seated, walking, standing, and moving meditation.
  • Short pauses inserted into daily life.
  • Merging meditation practice with other activities like yoga and sports.

An example of mindfulness is a sitting meditation practiced in a quiet space. During this practice, the individual focuses on their breathing or bodily sensations. If their mind wanders, they try to return to the present moment. However, mindfulness doesn’t have to be done sitting still and in silence but can be integrated into everyday parts of life, like walking, eating, or interacting with others.

Mindfulness is something that everyone can cultivate with simple practices that benefit themselves and everyone around them. It allows people to be the best version of themselves. It is more than just a practice but is a way of living. Mindfulness brings awareness and caring into what we do and decreases stress. Both science and experience have shown positive benefits from mindfulness for health, happiness, work, and relationships.

Benefits of mindfulness

Studies have shown a positive impact on health and well-being when we focus on the present. Mindfulness reduces stress, enhances performance, increases insight and awareness through observing the mind, and increases our attention to the well-being of others. Mindfulness-based treatments have been shown to impact the following areas positively:

  • Reduce anxiety
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Improve sleep
  • Helping cope with pain
  • Improving the quality of life
  • Decreasing depression

Research is being done to see how mindfulness helps treat conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), eating disorders, and addiction.


In athletes, mindfulness has been shown to improve athletic performance, reduce stress and anxiety, decrease the incidence of injury, decrease the recovery time from injury, reduce PTSD associated with traumatic athletic injuries, decrease fear of reinjury, increase pain tolerance, and reduce inflammation.

How mindfulness is used for sports

When it comes to athletic performance, interventions to improve athletic performance have traditionally focused on the physical elements of injury and training. However, there has been an increased awareness of the mental aspects of athlete health.

When an athlete performs mindfulness techniques, it allows them to distance themselves from their feelings, thoughts, and perceptions, preventing them from getting overwhelmed by their feelings and thoughts and enabling them to decide to follow the thoughts consciously or focus on something else. This allows an athlete to gain emotional stability and learn to maintain focus on what is occurring at the moment.

Evidence suggests that injury risk and athletic performance are significantly affected by athlete well-being. Research exploring how mindfulness may enhance an athlete’s performance, improve mental health, reduce injury risk, and facilitate recovery from injury has shown that mindfulness meditation significantly benefits physical and mental health outcomes.

3 essential mechanisms for athletes

Mindfulness techniques can influence three possible mechanisms that improve sports performance.

Flow state

Flow state is the state of optimal performance that emerges when there is a balance between the challenges of a situation and the person’s ability. An optimal flow state is achieved when the body and mind are synchronized, negative thoughts disappear, and enjoyment in the task occurs.

Studies have shown a significant correlation between engaging in mindfulness practices and having a perceived flow increase in elite athletes. When elite athletes completed mindfulness training, it facilitated an increased perception of flow, enhancing athletic performance.



Regulation of attention is an essential characteristic of mindfulness. Empirical studies supported the idea that mindfulness training enhances concentration. Studies in neuroscience also show that regular mindfulness meditation leads to structural changes in brain regions associated with attention regulation. Improving attention is essential for enhancing athletic performance.

Emotional regulation

Studies have shown that athletes who participated in a mindfulness program could regulate their emotions better, reduce the intensity and frequency of negative feelings, and see an increase in positive feelings. Regular mindfulness practice improves the ability to ignore distracting emotional stimuli and fully concentrate on the relevant task. This leads to decreased competition anxiety.

Mental skills training is becoming an important component of athletic training and performance, and mindfulness is a way to support athlete well-being, lower injury risk, improve recovery from injury, and enhance athletic performance.

Mindfulness meditation is non-invasive, meaning it is a highly accessible, low-risk, low-cost intervention that reduces stress and treats stress-related psychopathology. Mindfulness meditation has also shown increased exercise adherence, improved immune system function, and reduced markers of inflammation.

How mindfulness impacts performance

Research has shown that practicing mindfulness in sports reduces systemic inflammation, aids in pain management, increases focus, reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression, and increases overall well-being. All of these things impact athletic performance and an athlete’s quality of life, which has increased the popularity of practicing mindfulness as a form of mental training.

A study exploring mindfulness and relaxation training in college football players during their high-demand pre-season training interval showed that the mindfulness participants demonstrated increased sustained attention. The results suggest that mindfulness practice may benefit student-athletes by balancing the rigors of high-demand training cycles with the pressure of academic studies.

Several studies have shown that mindfulness is linked to increased performance in precision sports due to reduced anxiety, greater relaxation, and improved motor control. Motor control directly impacts athletic performance because athletes must be able to execute appropriate motor plans quickly and efficiently. The stress of performing these movements fluidly can cause an athlete to overthink and hinder their performance.


Therefore, mindfulness training helps reduce the tendency to overthink because it trains them to focus on the thoughts themselves instead of on the content. This allows athletes to be more likely to rely on creating the movements needed automatically instead of consciously trying to control their movements when faced with internal or external stressors.

Mindfulness and athletic injuries

Mindfulness practice has shown a positive correlation with decreased incidence of athletic injuries. A study of junior elite soccer players showed that 67% of the participants in the mindfulness program remained injury free. In comparison, only 40% of the participants in the non-mindfulness group remained injury free.

A similar study on young adult male soccer athletes reported a significantly lower number of days lost from injury in the mindfulness intervention group. This group reported changes in trait anxiety and perceived stress. While more research is needed in this area, these studies suggest that mindfulness effectively reduces the incidence of athletic injuries and shortens injury recovery time.

How to perform mindfulness

Anyone can perform mindfulness to improve their concentration and performance. Here are some tips on getting started. Do the following for one minute:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position with eyes closed.
  2. Pay attention to your breathing just notice it.
  3. When a thought pops into your head, bring your attention back to your breathing.
  4. Reflect on how often your attention wandered.

Were you distracted? Most of us are, including athletes. Performing mindfulness exercises allows us to stay in the present moment without judgment. This practice allows athletes to perform better under pressure and focus their attention where needed.

Mindfulness meditation practice has become increasingly popular for athletes to train their mental skills as an intervention to improve their performance. Research has shown that it also supports athletes' physical and mental health by reducing stress and anxiety and improving their performance. Mindfulness has also been shown to reduce injuries due to the improved attentional process and reduced recovery time. This non-invasive low-risk technique is valuable for athletes' health and performance.

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