Science has discovered that physical exercise, from moderate to vigorous, has mental health benefits for children.
The research, which was conducted over two years in the United Kingdom, revealed that children who engaged in more physical activity tended to experience less emotional and behavioral issues and less depressed symptoms. It's crucial to remember, however, that the strength of these relationships was feeble.
Adolescence is a frequent time for the onset of depression, one of the most prevalent mental illnesses globally. It is a mood illness marked by a lack of interest or pleasure in most activities and enduring emotions of despair and pessimism. According to statistics, it has been increasing in recent decades.
Younger people's mental health issues have been severely worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic, especially during lockdowns, when they couldn't go outside for some fresh air or socialize with peers.
Depression that manifests early in adolescence may have more difficult consequences than depression that does so later in life. Low physical activity has been linked to depression in adults, according to other studies.
Due to this, therapeutic programs aim to reduce symptoms of depression and other mental disorders by engaging individuals suffering from those disorders in physical activity.
Researcher Josephine N. Booth and her colleagues aimed to discover if there was a link between mental health and physical activity in children. Looking at children who took part in the ALSPAC, or Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children, for their analysis, they ultimately published their findings in the journal Mental Health and Exercise.
The continuing, extensive longitudinal research ALSPAC examines various factors that may affect children's health and development. Residents of the old Avon Health Authority in southwest England who were pregnant between April 1991 and the end of 1992 were encouraged to participate, which led to 14,900 children being the subject of data collection.
Using an actigraph accelerometer, a wearable gadget that tracks and measures movements, their levels of physical activity were assessed.
Participants had to wear it on the right hip during the day for seven days in a row. The Short Mood and Feelings Questionnaire (SMFQ) assessed depressive symptoms, and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) was used to evaluate general emotional and behavioral issues. Data from 4,755 individuals, including 2,627 women, were available for these analyses.
This occurred because not all research participants' children showed up for data collection at the clinic when asked or consented to wear the actigraph. However, the researchers only discovered minor distinctions in the traits of the kids who gave the study's data and those who did not.
Boys engaged in moderate-to-vigorous physical exercise for an average of 29 minutes each day, compared to girls' 18 minutes.
For boys and girls, the proportion of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity was 8% and 5%, respectively.
What were the findings?
Between the ages of 11 and 13, both boys and girls, there was a small association between reductions in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and increases in depressive symptoms. In other words, when boys and girls were 11 and 13 years old, higher levels of moderate-to-vigorous physical exercise were linked to fewer emotional and behavioral issues.
The study concluded that increasing physical activity was related to less depressed symptoms in females at age 11 and decreased depressive symptoms in boys between the ages of 11 and 13. Overall, although the relationships were weak, it was found that boys and girls who engaged in more physical exercise had higher emotional and behavioral health.
Spending a few moments outside as a child, or going on a brisk walk, can encourage exercise later in life as well. Science has found that walking everyday and engaging in physical exercise leads to a endless list of benefits. Might as well start them young — especially if it leads to less depression and less concern for mental health disruptions.
3 resources
- Mental Health and Physical Activity. Associations between physical activity and mental health and behaviour in early adolescence.
- Mental Health Foundation. Physical activity and mental health.
- National Center for Biotechnology Information. Exercise for Mental Health.
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