What Is Orgasmic Meditation and How to Practice It?

Have you come across the term "orgasmic meditation" and wondered if it's related to tantric breathing or meditating while orgasming? Surprisingly, it's a structured practice involving multiple steps with a fascinating history. Let's explore this unique sexual practice and its intriguing background below.

Key takeaways:

What is orgasmic meditation?


Orgasmic meditation, known by its practitioners as OM, is a mindfully based sexual practice. It is a practice done in pairs, where a man (often unknown to the receiver) repeatedly strokes the left-hand side of a woman's clitoris with their lubricated finger for a period of 15 minutes. This practice aims to cultivate a sense of presence, connection, and heightened sensations without focusing on orgasm as the end goal.

Orgasmic meditation gained popularity among enthusiasts who claimed potential benefits such as heightened pleasure, emotional connection, mindfulness, reduced stress, improved communication, body awareness, and deepened intimacy between partners. However, the company that developed and trademarked the practice, OneTaste, faced intense scrutiny due to allegations of ethical misconduct.

The practice was marketed as a premium product, with workshops and courses at a cost of around $150 or more. Their target audience was primarily an affluent demographic seeking transformative experiences and improved relationships. This commercial approach raised concerns about the commodification of intimacy and the exploitation of vulnerable individuals seeking personal growth or healing. As a result, the company was subjected to an FBI investigation for alleged violations of labor laws and accusations related to sex trafficking and prostitution.

However, meditation, in general, has been found to offer multiple sexual benefits, leading many individuals outside of the original practice to transform it in an ethical, consensual, and inclusive manner. It is used to accommodate people of all reproductive anatomy and can be practiced both with a partner and in a solo context. This more inclusive approach allows individuals to explore the potential sexual advantages of meditation in a way that aligns with their preferences and values.

Is it the same as traditional meditation?

Orgasmic meditation differs from traditional meditation in several key aspects. While traditional meditation focuses on clearing the mind, achieving an inner calm, and self-awareness through solo practice, OM centers around physical touch and sensory experiences, aiming to create a deeper emotional connection and heightened pleasure between partners. Traditional meditation often has spiritual and mindfulness goals, while OM seeks to cultivate presence and physical sensations in an intimate, consensual, and partnered context.

How does it differ from sexual meditation?

Orgasmic meditation and sexual meditation share similarities, as they incorporate meditation into sexual practices, but differ in focus and intention. OM involves a specific partnered practice of gentle clitoral stroking to cultivate presence, emotional connection, and heightened sensations without solely aiming for orgasm, emphasizing the mindful and intimate experience between partners. On the other hand, sexual meditation encompasses a broader range of meditative techniques applied before and during sexual activities, allowing people to notice sensations of desire and arousal as they arise in the body.


How do you practice orgasmic meditation?

To explore orgasmic meditation, adhere to these steps for the core practice. Adapt any steps as needed to match your preferences and those of your partner, and always keep in mind that you can pause or conclude the practice at any point if required.

  • Gather supplies. Collect all the necessary supplies, including lubrication, gloves for protection (if desired), a towel, and comfortable items like blankets and pillows to create a cozy "nest." You will also need a device to set an alarm, such as a phone or clock.
  • Create a nest. Arrange pillows and blankets to make a comfortable and safe space. You can enhance the ambiance by lighting candles, burning incense, or playing soothing music.
  • Gain consent. Before starting OM, it is essential that both participants give explicit consent to engage in the practice.
  • Apply lube. Once consent is given, the person who will be providing the touch should apply lubrication to their finger to ensure smooth and pleasurable strokes for the person who will be receiving the touch.
  • Get into position. The person receiving the touch should lie back comfortably within the designated area, ready to experience the strokes. It's important to note that the person receiving the touch is always in control and can withdraw consent at any time.
  • Set the timers. Set two timers, one for 13 minutes and another for two minutes later.
  • Begin stroking. Gently stroke the upper left portion of the clitoris in a downward motion using your finger for the duration of 13 minutes. While stroking, describe the sensations you're experiencing, and the person receiving the touch can offer feedback on their preferences.
  • Grounding. After the initial 13 minutes, the person providing the touch should gently place a towel over the vulva of the person receiving the touch and apply gentle pressure for two minutes to help them feel grounded.
  • Discuss the exprience. Once the 15-minute session is complete, both partners should share their experiences with each other.

Remember that orgasmic meditation is an intimate practice that requires clear communication, trust, and consent between partners. Adapt the process as needed to create a positive and comfortable experience for both individuals involved.

Does it work differently for women and men?

According to the original practice, "anybody can be the stroker, while the strokee must have a clitoris," indicating that the receiver must have a clitoris to partake in the practice. However, some individuals who have adopted this method outside of the original practice believe it can also be applied to people with penises.

As with any sexual practice, it is essential to adopt and modify the technique to suit the needs and preferences of you and your partner. If using this technique on a person with a penis, you can modify the method to accommodate stroking of the penis.

Tips for people who want to try orgasmic meditation for the first time

If you're looking to explore orgasmic meditation for the first time, here are some key tips to keep in mind:

  • Communicate. Research and communicate openly with your partner about OM to ensure both are comfortable and enthusiastic.
  • Establish boundaries. Establish clear boundaries and obtain explicit consent to create a safe and respectful environment.
  • Relax. Practice relaxation and deep breathing before starting to enhance mindfulness and connection.
  • Release expectations. Let go of expectations for achieving orgasm and focus on being present with your partner.
  • Keep communicating. Keep communication channels open to share feedback and desires throughout the practice.
  • Be patient. Embrace patience and exploration, allowing for adaptation to suit your unique needs and preferences.

Following these tips and adjusting the process to suit your needs will help you to have a pleasurable time while exploring orgasmic meditation.

Orgasmic meditation presents a distinctive approach to sexual practice, emphasizing mindful touch and sensory experience to foster presence, connection, and heightened sensations. While differing from traditional meditation, orgasmic meditation shares similarities with sexual meditation but focuses on partnered touch rather than solely mental awareness. For those interested in exploring orgasmic meditation, open communication, consent, relaxation, and patience are key elements to ensure a positive and meaningful experience.


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